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General Topics
7 7 Mood Boards from Plaid Pa...
12-08-2024, 09:48 AM
by admin
Suggestions to improve site
1 1 Forums in other languages
12-08-2024, 03:31 AM
by admin
1. Pattern Design Tutorials
Share guides on how to create plaid patterns using software such as GIMP
0 0
2. Showcase Creations
Projects made using plaid patterns, such as clothing, crafts, or digital designs.
0 0
3. Pattern Requests
Suggest specific color schemes or styles of plaid patterns you'd like to see
0 0
4. User-Submitted Patterns
Share your own plaid patterns for feedback or contribution.
5 5 Elon Giving Speech Plaid ...
12-08-2024, 05:21 PM
by admin
5. Plaid in the Wild
Share photos of interesting plaid designs spotted in daily lives.
1 1 Uncle PJ pants and my Bla...
12-08-2024, 11:54 AM
by admin
Chinese - 中文
Here we have posts in Chinese 這裡有中文貼文
1 1 目前已有 3 個 GIMP 選擇插件
12-08-2024, 03:39 AM
by admin
Spanish - Español
Here we have posts in Spanish Aquí tenemos publicaciones en español
1 1 3 complementos de selecci...
12-08-2024, 03:40 AM
by admin
Arabic - العربية
Here we have posts in Arabic لدينا هنا منشورات باللغة العربية
1 1 3 إضافات تحديد لـ GIMP حت...
12-08-2024, 03:41 AM
by admin
Hindi - हिन्दी
Here we have posts in Hindi यहाँ पर हिंदी में पोस्ट हैं
1 1 अब तक के 3 GIMP चयन प्लग-...
12-08-2024, 03:42 AM
by admin
Bengali - বাংলা
Here we have posts in Bengali এখানে বাংলায় পোস্ট আছে
1 1 এখন পর্যন্ত ৩টি GIMP সিলে...
12-08-2024, 03:43 AM
by admin
Vietnamese - Tiếng Việt
Here we have posts in Vietnamese Ở đây chúng ta có bài viết bằng tiếng Việt
1 1 3 Plugin Chọn Lựa cho GIM...
12-08-2024, 03:44 AM
by admin

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